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Market Report

New York Multifamily Market

4Q 2024

Vacancy Returns to Historical Low, Aiding Outlook
as Financial Market Conditions Loosen

New York multifamily market solidly back on track. This past July marked the three-year anniversary of New York City’s post-COVID-19 reopening and found multifamily vacancy at a historically low 1.8 percent. The lack of availability has facilitated consistent, if modest, rent growth, with the metro’s average effective rate up 8 percent in that same three year span. The return of many quality of life factors to the city, as well as a broad labor market recovery, has reinforced the decades-long renter demand growth trend. This dynamic was true across the market. All five boroughs recorded second quarter vacancy rates below their 2010-2019 averages by at least 50 basis points. The margin was widest at 170 basis points in Staten Island, however, where stock is older and rents are lower.

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